Friday, September 14, 2018

Story Lab

This week I decided to do my first story lab instead of writing another story. I watched two TED talk videos. The first video was The Danger of a Single Sided Story. I really liked this story because it discusses things that people often don't realize. It talks about how single stories created stereotypes. People hear one story about someone or some place and assume that defines it. People need to keep in mind that there are multiple characteristics and things to consider when reading a story and to not just assume the one story relates to everyone.

The second video I watched was Imaginary Friends and Real World Consequences. This video was even more relatable and I am definitely guilty of what it talks about. It talks about how much time and effort people put into relating to fictional characters or famous people. People believe they know how these people are and will act in situations when in reality they know nothing about them but what they have seen on social media or read in a book or seen on tv. This can be very unhealthy to pour your life into something that is not real.

Imaginary Friends

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